Hi Friends!
I’m excited to welcome you to a new creative venture and collaboration between me and the ever-wonderful Michael Maupin of StoryShed. The Curious George Questionnaire came out of a series of conversations between Mike and me about creativity, wonder, curiosity, filling the well on all those things, and so much more. We know we’re not alone in sifting through the silt of the creative process for those nuggets that we can turn into art. We came up with the idea to gather others in conversation by way of—what else, but one of those “Hmmm, now THAT’S a good question!” type of questionnaires!
Mike instantly hit on everyone’s favorite, lovable, curiosity OBSESSED (as the yout say) monkey, Curious George, from the beloved children’s book series, to lead the way as we delve deeper into learning more about our creative community and ourselves.
It is my supreme pleasure to welcome our first player, Kevin Alexander, a vinylphile (is that a thing? I am making it so) behind the turntable of the Substack On Repeat Records, a truly marvelous place to find music—new, old, intergalactic—and dig into the deeper conversations around music culture past, present, and future. Rock on, Kevin and thanks for being here!
What can I add that Sheila hasn’t already put out there?
Our goal with The Curious George Questionnaire is learning more about the wonderful creators on Substack and sharing what we learn with all of you.
Sometimes you’ll see someone on Notes and wonder, “What are they like? How could I find out?” Well, now you can!
Furthermore, we’re hoping to roll out a new person/answers every other week, so look for announcements on Stay Curious and StoryShed Substacks and Substack Notes.
Thanks for joining us!
Best, MM
Kevin Alexander Answers The Curious George Questionnaire
To me, curiosity is: It’s everything. The older I get, the more curious I am about the world around me. We start life that way, only to have it drummed out of us. Even as someone who can still be an obnoxious know it all, being incurious just feels like an incredibly boring way to live.
Describe a road not taken. Any regrets?
Regrets? I’ve had a few. Not in this case, though. In the mid 90s I was grinding out a living working at a commuter carrier that barely paid about minimum wage. Our planes flew in United’s colors, and I thought for sure I would end up with them- we shared a lot of the same facilities, and I knew most of the guys working there (and at that time it really was 95% male). I also applied at Northwest, whose operation in Portland went back decades, but whose market share had dwindled. At the time, they had 4-5 flights/day. So, I applied to both and heard… nothing.
I’d just about given up hope when the phone rang. It was NW asking me to come on for an interview. I said yes, and barely had time to tell my (then) girlfriend when the phone rang again. This time it was United offering the same. Everything should’ve told me to say yes to that as well. It was the safer bet. But my gut said to play the odds and politely decline, so I did. A real “sliding doors” moment.
Long story short, November will mark 27 years here (now at Delta via a merger). More importantly, our work rules at NW facilitated a transfer to Madison, where I met my (now) wife.We now have two sons together. Had I gone with UA, life would’ve looked very different.
Tell us how you fill your curiosity well. Lots of reading, lots of new (to me) music, and trying new things. I also try to do more listening and less talking. That’s definitely a work in progress.
Wonder or awe? Why? Wonder. In my mind, wonder and aspiration are close cousins. Anything awe-inspiring starts with wonder.
How would you spend your last day on earth? At the beach, with coffee in the morning, maybe a G&T at the end. I’d try to get one last soccer game in too. My knee is trash, but it’s my last day, so who cares? In this scenario, my oldest and I finally (!) play on the same team. Also lots of New Order and my dog Gizmo.
What is the purpose of life? (Or other phrasing “My life philosophy is_____”)
Be a mensch
About Kevin
Kevin is a suburban dad living in America’s Dairyland, and the man behind the On Repeat Records newsletter/community. A mixtape maker, playlist dealer, and cargo shorts aficionado. Subaru owner. A real piece of work.
All wonderful answers, but #6 really nails it!
This was a fun read!