The Curious George Questionnaire: #3
Can we get a "HECK YEAH!" for Prince of Pop Culture, Eric Pierce?
Full disclosure: I am an Eric Pierce fan from days of Medium yore. We connected on that site through our mutual love in geeking out over pop culture in all its strange and wonderful forms. Eric currently commands the bridge at All The Fanfare, your go-to source for films, TV, books, pop culture trends and more—all delivered with intelligence, humor, and more than a little heart. He’s also an incredibly thoughtful and diverse creative with lots of beautiful insight to share. Enjoy!
Partial disclosure: I’ve only gotten to know Eric Pierce through Sheila Moeschen! But I am a Medium writer like Eric from days of yore. Much happier on Substack over Medium, and hope Eric is too.
It’s great to read his responses to the CGQ SUPER EXISTENTIAL questions. (We gamed it that way, EP!) I’m happy to share his hope for a multiverse and can certainly guarantee y’all that at least in one of them I’m “just standing there, drooling on [myself].” Thanks for joining in, Eric!
Stay hydrated, stay intrigued! —Mike
Eric Pierce Answers The Curious George Questionnaire!

To me, curiosity is:
The secret sauce. It’s also a form of bravery. The smartest people I know are the ones who ask the most questions. You have to be willing to look stupid, to admit you don’t have all the answers. Curiosity is also closely tied to creativity and imagination. Big fan.
Describe a road not taken. Any regrets?
As the great philosopher Scotty P tattooed on his chest: “No ragrets.” It’s a motto, a creed.
I don’t really have Life Regrets, actually. There’s always the mistakes I wish I hadn’t made, the things I wish I hadn’t said, that kind of thing. I deeply regret paying $80 to take my family to see The Rise of Skywalker. That’s small potatoes, but also absolutely true.
I do think about this kind of thing all the time though. The stuff that seemed relatively innocuous at the time, but ends up leading your life in an entirely unexpected direction. Not quite regrets but what might’ve beens. But I like to think that if the multiverse is real, I hate The Rise of Skwyalker in all of them.
Sometimes I wonder if I should’ve stuck with fiction instead of switching to pop culture. It’s not a regret exactly, so much as acknowledging that pop culture is rather ephemeral but great novels last forever. Also then I’d obviously be a super rich NY Times best-seller who gets together with Stephen King and George R.R. Martin to play D&D; at least then George would have a good excuse for not finishing the series.
Tell us how you fill your curiosity well…
Great movies, shows, and books will always get my brain turning. Terrible movies, shows, and books do the same. If something gives me an emotional reaction, good or bad, my brain starts trying to figure out why. That kind of stuff always jump-starts my creativity.
Good conversations do the same.
Wonder or awe? Why?
Awe feels passive. It’s like being a bystander to something great. Wonder, to me, implies some level of participation. You’re not just standing there, drooling on yourself. You’re thinking about how such a thing is possible. And thinking like that is the first step to attempting wondrous things yourself.
How would you spend your last day on earth?
Sheesh! Coming with the existential questions…
Assuming I wasn’t paralyzed with indecision (a very real possibility), I’d spend time with my family, playing games and making each other laugh. Go for a walk outside. Play video games with my brother, pet my cat, tell my parents thank you. Write something. D&D would definitely be on the docket.
The funny thing I’m realizing: I write about pop culture because I love movies and TV, but I wouldn’t watch anything during my last 24 hours. I don’t even think I’d read a book. I’d want to be present, in the moment.
I’d also eat all the food because you can’t take it with you. Pizza, cookies, pie, ice cream… it’s all fair game!
“My life philosophy is_____”
Do, or do not. There is no try.
About Eric
Eric Pierce is a Michigan-based writer, gamer, and pop culture geek. He’s probably thinking about Star Wars right now. You can find him on Substack at All the Fare.
This was awesome! How did I know there'd be a Yoda quote worked in. lol.
Love this Questionnaire! Fun but thought provoking questions!